Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baking Projects

Okay, so I know that this isn't related to freezer cooking, but it is another passion of mine and it, of course, involves food! :)  I love to decorate cakes and make fun treats for the kids' birthdays, school parties, teachers, etc.  I perhaps was influenced at an early age by the cake my mom made for me for my 5th birthday.  Wonder Woman!  I remember that cake to this day, and I would hope that my kids' will remember the special cakes that I lovingly create for them.  If I can find the picture, I'll post it here in the future.  Below are some of my recent projects...

AJ's Pirate Cake (7th birthday)

AJ's birthday school treats

Inspiration for these was from Bakerella.com

Torie's Hula Party

Torie's birthday school treats

Again, inspired by Bakerella

and not so recent....

AJ's 1st birthday cake (Cookie Monster)

Dion's Spiderman cake

Torie's 2nd Birthday

I can't get this picture to rotate for some reason :(

Dion's 2nd birthday

In going through old pics for this post, I am slightly saddened as I find pictures of birthdays with store bought cakes.  While there is absolutely nothing wrong with a store bought cake, I found that I did not remember as many specifics about the birthday.  There's just something more personal and meaningful when I have taken the time to give that gift to my child, even though they might not remember it or realize the effort that I made, I can only hope that someday they will appreciate it, and have a special memory, such as the one I have of my Wonder Woman cake from my 5th birthday!!  (Now I HAVE to find that picture!)

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